CollectFair Logo

Buttons & logos for your auction listings

Auction buttons with eBay Turbo Lister

The eBay Turbo Lister is provided by eBay specially for people selling medium to high volumes of auction items.

CollectFair's auction buttons are fully compatible with auction listings created with Turbo Lister. This page shows how to add buttons to listings created this way.

For information about other aspects of Turbo Lister, please see the site.

Adding an auction button

  1. Below is a view of the Turbo Lister screen on which you can add the CollectFair button.

    The CollectFair button can be stored as an "Insert" which can then be easily added to each of your auctions.

    Choose "Create an Insert" from the drop-down menu.

    Overview of the main Turbo Lister editing screen

  2. Give the Insert you will create a name, such as "CollectFair button".

    Changing to HTML code view to insert the CollectFair button

    Switch windows to view the CollectFair site in you internet browser. Using the mouse select and copy the CollectFair button code from the CollectFair site. Instructions are available here including details of where to find your personalised button code.

    After copying the button code, switch back to the Turbo Lister window. Place the mouse pointer in the box for HTML text. Click the right mouse button, and choose paste. Save the newly created Insert.

  3. In the main window for creating your auction listing, place the mouse pointer where you would like the CollectFair button to appear. Choose "CollectFair button" from the drop-down menu.

    The auction listing, complete with CollectFair button

Please see the help pages for information on other features of the Turbo Lister.
